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B R I D A L & E V E N T

More than just a makeup application - using high quality products applied with the latest techniques,  regardless which makeup application you choose, you can rest assured your makeup will last all day and night. 


M A K E U P  A P P L I C A T I O N

The ultimate makeup application.


For all your Special Events, Formals, Debutantes and Bridal Trials.


This package includes a full face of makeup, set to stay all day, with your choice of false lashes. 


This package includes ALL event makeup styles - full glam, soft beat, cut creases, smoky eyes etc.


Please allow 90 minutes for a makeup application.

$ 1 0 5

B R I D A L  M A K E U P

Makeup for you and your bridesmaids on your special day! 


This package includes a full face of makeup, set to stay all day, with your choice of false lashes.


Please note this price is per face. Bridal cannot be booked online.  Enquire below to receive a personalised quote and set up

a bridal trial.

$ 1 2 0


P A C K A G E:  E Y E  F O C U S

On a budget?


Just need a hand with your eye makeup?


This package includes makeup for your eyes and brows, with your choice of false lashes.

$ 5 0

S F X & E D I T O R I A L

Perfect for Halloween, costume parties and editorial shoots.


The complexity and duration will determine the price of this service, enquiries are a necessity. 


Please include reference photos and your budget when enquiring. 


To enquire, email:

Q U O T E  O N  R E Q U E S T



G O T  A  Q U E S T I O N ?

Message submitted!

Amelia Anne Aesthetics is a home based clinic in Mill Park, Melbourne AUS.


The exact address will be provided to clients once an appointment is made. 


Services are provided by appointment only, no walk-ins.


To request an appointment or view my availability, please use the link in the heading bar titled BOOK NOW.


Enquiries and questions

can be submitted here.

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